Feminism and how we are ‘overdoing’ it !

When I’d entered teenage, I thought that this discrimination I’ve been constantly reading about in my textbooks is created by God more than mankind. Like, women have periods and men don’t. And then my mother told me how women have the gift of bringing another human being in this world, men don’t have that privilege. “Isn’t it a blessing in disguise?” I said. (Yeah, I’ve been a smart kid.)

I believed (paying emphasis on the past tense, are you?) that men are considered physically strong because whenever women were to encounter men in a wrestling match they were on their period. Blood loss obviously causes weakness. I think I need to mention that I thought all this when I’d just entered puberty, again. I was a tomboy, and I was just feeling bad because I was told that I can’t tell my guy friends about this monthly affair, when I had only guy friends. And I always was always a typical Leo craving for attention.

“The advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social and economic equality to men.”

That is how Feminism is defined in my phone’s dictionary.

All this hype around the term is apparently a proof of how we are overdoing it.

Well, honestly, isn’t ‘Feminism’ as a term discriminative…

It was just a thought, because feminine is a term we associate with women, not with equality.

Can we really have an equalist world; this question has been bugging me for a while now.

Because psychology has taught me about every one human being at least slightly more dominant/submissive than the other.

Moreover, when a couple of people are accustomed to each other, one of them has slightly more dominant traits than the other; When you’re in a group of people, there will be people you look up to, people you detest being around and people you feel match your frequency. Then, why are we not okay with the fact that all this while, since a millennium or centuries or decades men( a society) are ruling over women( another society). It is unjust, true. But, someone has to be the one stepping ahead.

We need to ask ourselves if men are the only reason for the patriarchal setup being functional, like it is.

If we do not ingrain in children that they have to stand up to certain standards as per their gender, more than half the problem is solved.

I do not associate myself with the term feminist. It’s too…feminine. I’d rather have a huge number of people working under me, because I aim to be smart enough to be able to achieve that. I’d rather be called an achiever, than being categorically labeled as a woman; And I’d want to do that because I don’t want genders to be used as adjectives.

We need to stop teaching girls that they’d better shut up. We need to make blunt and straightforward humans, not elegant women or muscular men.

If the concept of feminism is to empower women, where are we going with the equality bit?

Imbalance is a law of nature. Like, attaining perfection is an illusion; living in an equalist world is a disillusion.

Women need narrative space to equal out all the privilege men have been receiving all these years, that is a fact. But to catch up to men, we need to stop considering them better than women in any possible aspect.

Instead of trying to make up for what has been happening against women, let us focus on creating a new definition of women; and that definition better be art, it has to have no boundaries.

Or better, let’s not be men and women, rather individuals.

I came across something by Nikola Tesla and I think this is exactly where we’re leading to with all the feminism blooming.

“The female mind has demonstrated a capacity for all the mental acquirements and achievements of men, and as generations ensue that capacity will be expanded; the average woman will be as well educated as the average man, and then better educated, for the dormant faculties of her brain will be stimulated to an activity that will be all the more intense and powerful because of centuries of repose.”

Women will lead, and men will have to step back.

Maybe, then, four centuries later men will be fighting battles against inequality.

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